In the Lighthouse

Have you been feeling overwhelmed by persistent drama, endless financial problems, debilitating illness, or you’re lost with no sense of direction? Do you feel caught in a continuous storm, tossing about like a ship on a turbulent ocean? You’re not alone. If you’ve been searching frantically for a way to safer waters, come to the Lighthouse. In The Lighthouse is a weekly podcast dedicated to sharing real-life stories about those embroiled in storms who have found their way out because of the light of Jesus Christ. For many, these storms can be harrowing; however, we are your safe harbor from the storm.

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Your Safe Harbor From the Storm

Welcome to In the Lighthouse, a weekly podcast brought to you by the Lighthouse Keeper Daphne Collins, and joined by our own Lady With The Lamp, co-host Melissa Saenz, for the From the Mailbag episodes. Every Wednesday we will have open discussions regarding the storms you are likely to encounter, and how the word of God helps you to safely navigate your way through them. You will also hear from our friend, Laine Wilder, Contributing Partner with Carry the Light Ministries, who is featured in the Insights From an Elder shorts. The material for this podcast will come directly from you, the listener; therefore, we want to hear from you! We will take our discussion cues from your emails. All messages will be given our utmost priority to ensure your confidentiality. If you wish to make your identity known (and your city and state) please advise us, and we will communicate according to your wishes. As it is, some of you may be embroiled in a storm at this very moment and need the light of Christ to bring you into safe waters. Or perhaps you have some good news–a testimony–of your journey from darkness into light? We know that life is unpredictable and our experiences many. The point is, you are not alone on this journey. Therefore, look for the light from the tower every Wednesday and join us as we dedicate each episode to one or more stories that have been submitted by our listeners who sought safe harbor, and chose to look to the word of God which will always be our compass.

In the Lighthouse

Welcome to your safe harbor! Spend some time with us and listen to archived episodes. Please feel free to leave comments. Also, visit the Carry the Light Ministries  website at: 


Wednesday Mar 29, 2023

When it comes to our relationships with one another, we enter into our own understanding based on who we are and our past experiences. God created us for relationships, so it is inevitable that we will have conflict because we are fallen creatures.
Daphne and Melissa are joined by Jimmy Saenz (Melissa’s husband) as they sit down and have a frank discussion about marriage from two perspectives: married or single in today’s culture. And they talk about what they heard from Chris and Carmen Garner of Fortified Marriages Ministries.

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023

God created marriage for man and woman to enjoy one another and provided the perfect landscape that was fortified with boundaries instituted by God for their welfare. For those who are called into this covenantal institution, you know and understand the work required to protect the union at all times. Chris and Carmen Garner, Marriage and Family counselors understand and have built their ministry on the biblical principle found in Matthew 7:24. They believe this so much that they named their ministry Fortified Marriages, and used a castle fortress to depict the necessity of providing tools and resources for building a strong Christian marriage.

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023

God created marriage for man and woman to enjoy one another and provided the perfect landscape that was fortified with boundaries instituted by God for their welfare. For those who are called into this covenantal institution, you know and understand the work required to protect the union at all times. Chris and Carmen Garner, Marriage and Family counselors understand and have built their ministry on the biblical principle found in Matthew 7:24. They believe this so much that they named their ministry Fortified Marriages, and used a castle fortress to depict the necessity of providing tools and resources for building a strong Christian marriage.

Sunday Feb 19, 2023

Everyone loves an epic tale – a sweeping drama with historical figures and heart-pounding action. These stories keep the listener spellbound and on the edge of their seat. The Bible contains such dramas within many of the books of the Old Testament. The historical account of Noah and the Great Flood has been exhaustively researched and compared with traditions or stories that seemingly corroborate the validity of what was written in the Book of Genesis. Let’s listen to this first drama of our new series: The Heroes of the Old Testament.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023

Just when you believe you have weathered the storm, God sends another. Oftentimes, these storms are not of our own making, but the result of living in a fallen world. In Part Two of my conversation with Patti, we will hear about courage under fire. Is it okay to just give up when the giants keep coming? Patti shares the things she’s learned in this journey of faith, and it’s definitely a story worth listening to!

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023

How would you react when you've been told that you have cancer? Are you a proactive person who would immediately seek the most advanced medical protocols, or would you shut down in fear? Listen to how our guest Patti responded in faith, and chose to proactively go into battle with the disease under the banner of the Lord.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Join Daphne as she takes you on a prophetic journey through biblical history leading to that first Christmas in this special episode of “A Light in the Darkness.”

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022

Join Daphne and Melissa as they provide an in-depth commentary on Part Two of Tish Goebel's amazing story about her Marketplace Ministry.

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022

Join Daphne and Melissa in this weeks’ episode of In the Lighthouse - Part One Commentary, as they discuss key aspects of Lutisha Goebel’s amazing story, “Marketplace Ministry.”

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022

Storms have a way of raging, as high winds threaten to submerge the flimsy boat fiercely struggling to stay afloat. But eventually we learn that much wisdom can be gained when we choose to seek the Lord in quiet and stillness. Through her story, Tish explains how the ideals we set up in our minds are simply just – ideals – thus, they hold no true reality. And when we place all our hopes in imperfect people, eventually there must be a reckoning, and a realignment of our understanding of who God is.

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