In the Lighthouse

Have you been feeling overwhelmed by persistent drama, endless financial problems, debilitating illness, or you’re lost with no sense of direction? Do you feel caught in a continuous storm, tossing about like a ship on a turbulent ocean? You’re not alone. If you’ve been searching frantically for a way to safer waters, come to the Lighthouse. In The Lighthouse is a weekly podcast dedicated to sharing real-life stories about those embroiled in storms who have found their way out because of the light of Jesus Christ. For many, these storms can be harrowing; however, we are your safe harbor from the storm.

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Your Safe Harbor From the Storm

Welcome to In the Lighthouse, a weekly podcast brought to you by the Lighthouse Keeper Daphne Collins, and joined by our own Lady With The Lamp, co-host Melissa Saenz, for the From the Mailbag episodes. Every Wednesday we will have open discussions regarding the storms you are likely to encounter, and how the word of God helps you to safely navigate your way through them. You will also hear from our friend, Laine Wilder, Contributing Partner with Carry the Light Ministries, who is featured in the Insights From an Elder shorts. The material for this podcast will come directly from you, the listener; therefore, we want to hear from you! We will take our discussion cues from your emails. All messages will be given our utmost priority to ensure your confidentiality. If you wish to make your identity known (and your city and state) please advise us, and we will communicate according to your wishes. As it is, some of you may be embroiled in a storm at this very moment and need the light of Christ to bring you into safe waters. Or perhaps you have some good news–a testimony–of your journey from darkness into light? We know that life is unpredictable and our experiences many. The point is, you are not alone on this journey. Therefore, look for the light from the tower every Wednesday and join us as we dedicate each episode to one or more stories that have been submitted by our listeners who sought safe harbor, and chose to look to the word of God which will always be our compass.

In the Lighthouse

Welcome to your safe harbor! Spend some time with us and listen to archived episodes. Please feel free to leave comments. Also, visit the Carry the Light Ministries  website at: 


Wednesday Dec 21, 2022

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Join Daphne as she takes you on a prophetic journey through biblical history leading to that first Christmas in this special episode of “A Light in the Darkness.”

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022

Join Daphne and Melissa as they provide an in-depth commentary on Part Two of Tish Goebel's amazing story about her Marketplace Ministry.

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022

Join Daphne and Melissa in this weeks’ episode of In the Lighthouse - Part One Commentary, as they discuss key aspects of Lutisha Goebel’s amazing story, “Marketplace Ministry.”

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022

Storms have a way of raging, as high winds threaten to submerge the flimsy boat fiercely struggling to stay afloat. But eventually we learn that much wisdom can be gained when we choose to seek the Lord in quiet and stillness. Through her story, Tish explains how the ideals we set up in our minds are simply just – ideals – thus, they hold no true reality. And when we place all our hopes in imperfect people, eventually there must be a reckoning, and a realignment of our understanding of who God is.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022

Many can recall the innocence of childhood, and the people and places we visited along the way. We might remember family gatherings or long road trips, and the people who influenced and loved us. This episode is entitled, “Marketplace Ministry,” and it is a story of how God tears down the idols we build up, in order to show that He is God alone. You will hear from Tish, a woman whose childhood left scars that required healing in adulthood, and set her steps on a path according to God’s plan.

Sunday Nov 13, 2022

Join us this Wednesday In the Lighthouse as we hear from our featured guest, Tish, in this new episode entitled, "Marketplace Ministry."

From the Mailbag - Episode 3

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

Listen to Daphne and Melissa’s commentary of Part Two of Anthony’s redemption story, “I Saw the Light,” in this next installment of From the Mailbag. Melissa shares her thoughts about Anthony’s mention of her encouraging influence during his youth. This is a must listen episode!

From the Mailbag - Episode 2

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022

In this first installment of From the Mailbag, Daphne and Melissa will be discussing Part One of Episode 1 of the redemptive story of Anthony Canales - I Saw the Light. Excerpts from the episode will be heard as they will give their thoughts on how Anthony came from darkness and into the light.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022

Last week we met Anthony whose story indicates that not everyone will have a childhood that is guaranteed to be free from some form of abuse or neglect. For many of us, the storms come early, and we must learn to navigate through them as best we can. For Anthony, his storms navigated him into the bondage of addiction which led to incarceration. But, as you will hear, God had other plans for Anthony -- redemptive plans. In Part Two of “I Saw the Light,” we will find out how Anthony was able to come out of the darkness and into the light.
Some of the material you hear will not be suitable for young listeners. We caution parents or adults to use discretion when playing this episode.

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022

What happens when you’ve been living in darkness for years and all of a sudden a light appears? Would you run to the light looking for the way out, or would you go deeper into the darkness not trusting the light? Meet Anthony, a man who made the choice to trust the light and turned from sex, drug and alcohol addiction and surrendered his life to Jesus Christ while in prison. Listen to this raw and realistic recollection of a childhood that did not start off as that of other more fortunate children; but about how God reached into the darkest places to shine His light on a man who was lost, but now is found. Listen to how his life has turned around, and how he has become a bold witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Please note: Some content discussed in this episode may not be suitable for younger audiences.

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